Einfache und effektive Übungen gegen Bluthochdruck. Hoher Blutdruck ohne Medikamente senken! (free)

In diesen Videos zeigen wir Übungen gegen Bluthochdruck die kurz, einfach und enorm wirkungsvoll sind.  Die Übungen können überall, wann immer sie Zeit haben geübt werden.

Abonnieren sie jetzt auf unseren YouTube-Kanal für weitere Tipps ►►► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqn0cbIWNPjhexKP-tpXqEg

Hier können sie unsere Work-Life Balance DVD bei Amazon bestellen ►►►  https://www.amazon.de/Anan-Dao-Life-Balance-Workout-Daniel-Stegen/dp/B00WFKXU5U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477469034&sr=8-1&keywords=dvd+life+balance+workout

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Leiden sie oft an Rückenschmerzen? Hier finden Sie ein Seminar in Ihrer Nähe ►►► http://anandao.eu/produkte/blutdruck.html

Mehr über „the Motion Doctors“ Noa und Ralf Peekel und das System erfahren ►►► http://anandao.eu/anandao/wer.html

Online üben, seien sie frei üben sie wann und wo sie wolle, besuchen sie unser Online Studio ►►► http://courses.anandao.eu/


Course Curriculum

  • 1

    3 Minutes Healing Motion - Blutdruck natürlich senken!

    • 3 Minutes Healing Motion - Blutdruck senken 1

    • 3 Minutes Healing Motion - Blutdruck senken 2

About the instructor

Founder AnanDao

Noa and Ralf Peekel

Master Ralf ZiXu 16.Generation Zhang San Feng Pai, and Noa experts for daoistic Martial arts and Yoga, teaching internationally since 15- years in Workshops, Seminars, Teachers education and Retreats. In his 16 years, as an international Business consultant and CEO of a Consulting Company, Ralf experienced firsthand the cost of demanding business life. 2004 on the search for Healing, he found the holy mountain of Wudang where he and Noa study daoistic martial arts almost every year since then. Noa made her first contact with Yoga when she was a young girl. Her journey as a teacher started 2002 when she completed her first yoga teacher training in Holistic Yoga by Swami Satyananda. Since then she has studied different Yoga systems and devoted her life to the yogic way. Together they have founded 2005 the house of Asian Art in Hockenheim and developed the AnanDao system, that combines Martial Arts and Yoga in a unique way.“Our aim is to help and inspire people to lead a healthy and successful life to manifest the best version of themselves. By creating AnanDao, we have developed a holistic concept. Every one is different and still for every single one who wants to change his/her life to the better there is a process an exercise a mindset that will accomplish exactly that.

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